Participants: David, Avi (David's son), Mace, Shachar (Mace's son), Koby, Gili, Jon, Gilad, Nadine, Elijah, Binyamin, Rivka (B's wife), Tikva Shira (B's kid), Zvi Yehuda (ditto), Devora (ditto), Iska (ditto), Adam, Amir, Omri, Roee, Rudo, Yosef, Michael (Elijah's dad), Saarya, Rachel
A pleasant games day. Amir, Omri, Roee, Rudo, Gilad, and Koby all came from the coastal areas, which was nice.
We used both sukkahs, and sometimes had to look for extra chairs. At night, we also had to find a light for the other sukkah and finally managed to get it plugged in.
I took notes of the games played, but worse notes than usual, and I fear I might have missed a game or two. Here's what I got:
Cosmic Encounter
Mace+, Shachar, Elijah, Binyamin, AdamI think that was the list. Several of these were new players, yet they still played a six player game, double powers, comets and asteroids, and what looked like half the flare deck.
Mace got to four bases fairly quickly as Prophet / Loser, but was then ganged up upon. The game then extended for another three and a half hours, until Mace finally managed to win in the end, anyway. Other powers in the game included Pentaform, Vampire, Plant, Mirror, and others.
For Sale
Binyamin and family played this.
Adam 38, Michael 24This took them a while on a full board. Michael is somewhat better than I am, and so proved a closer match for Adam.
David 45, Gilad 44, Gili 39, Koby, NadineKoby brought this game and taught it to the others.
Lo Ra
This is Nadine's Jewish themed version of the game Ra. Played in the other sukkah.
Lord of the Rings: the Confrontation
Adam (dark)+, Binyamin (white)Frodo was stomped to death by the Balrog while trying to pass through Minas Tirath.
Zvi Yehuda wanted to play this later in the day, but no one had time to explain the English to him.
Louis XIV
Michael 52, Yosef 51, Elijah 49First plays for all of them, they all really liked it. Good thing we still have Nadine's copy around. It may see more play again.
Magic: the Gathering
David+, JonDavid and I got one draft and game in, and e beat me as usual, even though I played a four color deck and wasn't mana screwed, and he played a three color deck and was.
Mission: Red Planet
Rudo 54, Omri 47, Jon 36, Nadine 23This is an are control game from Bruno Faidutti, and has his characteristic elements of chaos and bluffing. Which, unfortunately, I don't like, although I like Bruno Faidutti.
You have ten rounds, scoring after rounds 5, 8, and 10. You have four ships active at any one time going to 10 different areas of Mars, and holding between 2 to 5 astronauts. And you have 9 character cards, that let you a) add astronauts to one or two ships, and b) do a special action, including moving your astronauts, swapping an astronaut, and redirecting or blowing up a ship. The latter two, in particular, are the most chaotic parts.
Lastly, you have bonus points for a mission, or can put secret cards under many of the areas, so that, at the end of the game, that area scores nothing, or double, or gives some other random bonus. More chaos.
Each round, each player selects one of their characters and then turns it over in turn order, like Citadels. You only get your cards back if you play character 1.
Nadine and I lost mostly because we didn't understand the vast importance of the areas with more points, which exponentially accumulate in latter scoring rounds (I somehow thought they would be linear). So we didn't fight for them more.
It's not a bad game, and certainly not as annoying as Assassin, but I still screwed Nadine out of her moves twice at the beginning of the game, which was probably not enjoyable for her.
And there's no reason for it. If the cards are played like El Grande, instead of like Citadels, and if the cards placed on regions are placed open instead of closed, the game looks to be vastly more fun and interesting.
Mr Jack
Nadine (Detective)+, Jon (Criminal)I survived with three suspects until round 8. I only had an unseen Jack in one round, and Nadine had to ensure that I didn't escape, preventing her from discovering anyone that turn.
Nadine then accused the right person, and not entirely at random. One of the three she had eliminated with a card from the red guy. And one of them she thought I had been positioning more for exit than the other.
Notre Dame
Yosef+, Gili, Saarya, +/JonI took over for someone in round four, but I forget who.
Power Grid
Shachar 17, Jon 16, Elijah 15++, Avi 15+, Mace 15-We played on the German map, missing the south coast. Aside from the western area, prices were pretty expensive. All of us except for Mace started on the western shore, anyway.
Larger plants came out fairly early, and I snagged my entire plant needs before anyone else. Still, because I was behind in cities, I was producing less money, and so everyone else managed to catch up with their plants and building. In the end, I simply couldn't build more than Shachar owing to less cash. I'm still not quite sure how that worked.
Elijah and Mace were up to 14 cities when we were all at 12 on the last round. They had a bidding war over the only plant that would let one of them win, but it went too high for either the winner or loser to win. If it hadn't Elijah could have won after all.
Puerto Rico
Rachel 64, Jon 58+, Adam 58-, Nadine 56Rachel was convinced she wasn't going to win when Nadine and I took second big buildings and Adam secured her first. She and Adam both had Harbors to Nadine and my Factories. But she played on anyway, taking a Discretionary Hold, something I probably should have taken.
It was all very close, but Rachel managed to ship 43 shipping points to my 21. Yowza.
Race for the Galaxy
Nadine 54, Gilad 40, Roee 29First play for Roee.
David 12, Avi 7, Mace 7, Shachar 2, Koby -1The opening game. Played again at least once later during the day.
Zvi Yehuda 9++, Binyamin 9+, Amir 9-, Adam 8No further info.
Settlers of Catan
Yosef 13, Elijah 6, Gili 5Yosef won every game he played tonight, I believe. They played to 13, but it didn't help.
Shadows Over Camelot
Zvi Yehuda, Tikva Shira, Omri, Roee, Rudo, AviFirst plays for all but the first two, I taught them and then hovered around a bit to help them start. Luckily, Nadine was also sitting nearby and could fill them in on a few rules that I forgot, as well as help Avi on his first game.
Taj Mahal
Yosef 65, Gili 59, Elijah 28First play for Yosef. Nadine and I looked over in mid-game, and Gili had a 20 point lead. We said that they should just concede, although Yosef did have a handful of cards.
Well, it seemed that Yosef was more persevering than we realized, making a dramatic comeback.
Tower of Babel
Yosef, Rivka, Devora, IskaFirst play for Yosef, and Devora and Iska are very small kids, so I'm sure they weren't experienced players. I don't know any more about the game.
Rivka, +, +Rivka played this shape game with two of her kids.
Year of the Dragon
Nadine 128, David 108, Gili 102, Gilad 81, Koby 72First plays for Gilad and Koby.
Omri 107, Nadine 105, Rudo 102First plays for Omri and Rudo.